Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

13-IMPLOTMINT CrypHTUNITIfS The Dayton Sunday, Daily New June 1, 1973 13-IMPLOYMENT CP0TUNITIlS 13-EMP10YMENT OPPORTUNITIES 13 fMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 13 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 13 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 13 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES KING FOR A DAY! Dod's a really good guy and he deserves tome extras en his special day. Since Father's Day is June15 surprise him with a classified ad. He'll probably cut it out and keep it in his wallet. Maybe) he'll even brag about his kids ta all hit friends. CALL 223-1515 13 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES NIGHT Cnef, end Day Cook needed.

Apply In person at Fireplace Im II il Woodman Drive. lOem 11:30 am end 2pm 5om. See Mr. Collins er Head Cnef Mr. Caroerry.

NIGHT WAITRESSES Must be II. Extremely neat and willing te work hard. Good pay. Hps. Wat train.

Apply in person only: FRISCH'5, MORAINE CITY 4130 S. DIXIE NURSE Physicians assistant. RN er LRU. Poise, responsibility, experience preferred. Professional work enly.

Permanent. Downtown MO office. Provide resume. Box 344 Davton News-papers. Inc.

45 i. Ludlow SI. Carton, Ohio 45402 OFFICE Help experienced in Payroll Accounts Receivable. Benelits. LOVE-IT 2201 E.

Third 253-li7 OFFICE HELP UNEMPLOYED INC. Jobs Free To Our Members. COOK Experienced broiler took, evening 'w rop ngn a. penetna Restaurant 277-Q9? COOK Full Hme permanent position available on evening snitt. Mint have product preparation end broiler experience.

Thorough knowledge of steak end see foods essentiel. Aoolv in Mr inn 1.11 em. Employment Office Csssano Enterprises, I6J0 e. stroop Rd. or call 294-1400 ext.

211 tor appointment. COOK FULL TIME PERMANENT xceisent position evolaoe tor exoerienced cook. Good salary, complete program of benefits. Apply personnel office GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL 2254 PHILADELPHIA DR. An Equal Opportunity COSMETIC HOSTESS Representatives odd attractive fold 4 teal stationery to your lint tor extra protit.

Write PO. Bo 12514. Columbus, O. 43212, For free samples more information. COUNTER I Baker's Helper, 3 lo II, 11 to 7, day wk.

Jim's Donut Shop, 122 National Rd, Vandalla COUNTER GIRL UNEMPLOYED INC. Job. Free To Our Members. 271-0639 COUNTER-Meet operation needs experienced person, part time. Apply 44 S.Ludlow, 10 th floor DELIVERY must have car.

Available awes. I weekends, neat appearance. DINO'S 1101 Wayne MARKETING SALES TRAINEE Ixcellwit tirni ponton for mole and fewole. Storting wkdy 18300 to $10000 cor eipm eonum Prefer college graduate win will be homed le cell on retoil grocery end drug epwotwei, morhenng cemumer baby products. lictHtnt promotional opportunity into soles management el 2-3 yeon.

All paid benefits. We prefer trainee. Experience not required. Dayton ttrntciry. Pleas, call C.

HJM1I1 to Mr. ft. I. froxn or send mm. to 2467 AtcEwen Rd Doylon, 0.

43430. CREDIT 1 collection minaaer Col lege gred and experience collection work. Excellent benefits, Inouire in person, 6.E. Homemokers, 3430 S. Dixie Hwy, between Mon-Fri CUSTODIAN-Couoie, 4or 23 unit Upper Dayton View.

Write gluing experience, references, phone lo Box 4119 Dayton Newspapers 4 Ih Ludlow Dayton, O. 45402. DENTAL ASSISTANTS DENTAL KtLcHTiONIST. Experience dm red. Send resume to Dayton Dental Society services urganuations 1100 S.

Vein St. 45409 DENTAL TECHNICIAN ImmecJuft position for qualified crown and bnofle technic tan. Enperienced in Excellent working conditions TARTAN LAB. INC. W4-51I? DIRECTOR, SOUTH MONTGOMERY COUNTY YOUTH 5ERVICES BUREAU Newly formed cooperative association of six cities and two town-shies in southern half of Monloomerv County, Ohio.

Direclor of Bureau responsible for suoer vtsing and coordi-naiinu the activities of four counsellors providing regular youth and (amity counselling to include "Crisis Intervention" counselling services on a 24-hour basis; work with police and schools; make referrals to other social agencies wnen and rt appropriate tntrv salary SU.81H) with step increases to 1.8 000 after 30 months of productive service. Extensive and comprehensive program of fringe benefits. Bachelor's or Master's degree in social work or a related work. Previous supervisory experience in youth counselling or related work. Previous supervisory experience desirable but nof required.

Send resume to South Montgomery Counly Youth Services Bureau, co Mrs. Weils, Personnel Department, Ketter- ng oovernment Center, 3600 Shrover Road, Kettering, Ohio 45429 by June 11, 1975. Dispensing optician. xoer fenced Write qualifications Confidential. Box 1801 Davton Newspapers, 45 Ludlow, Davton, O.

45402. AVON SEU NOW. EARN MORE. Avon's mode it eosy for you to eotn money. Sell daily need ptoducts qt new low prices, world-famous cosmetics, fragrance all guaranteed.

$2 charge for order faking privilege. Call 276-5715. DIRECT 5AI F5 PERSONNFl' Perl lime or Full time, assistance with leads, tl you enioy people nd want good income potential. Call lit-mi interview ov appt. ROYAL OAK MEMORIAL GARDENS DISTRIBUTORSHIP Will Not Interfere with present employ ment.

No selling required. 21 year old company. Sea our ad III the Sports section. DISTRIBUTOR WANTED ENTIRE STATE AVAILABLE To corned end et'eDiish local dealers for Ifie FABULOUS NfcrV CONCEPT in auto mobile towing Need 5 to 1000 Instant cash lie- PRODUCT IS FANTASTIC Wrile tor complete jiory. Shipley, Box 2114, Komoeno, r-ie.

ijusi -4it. DRAFTSMAN civil engineering, ex perlence. Send resume lo Box 4049, Davton Newspapers Inc, 45 S. Ludlow, Dayton, inw DRIVER for Pick-up and Delivery Service tor dental laboratory. Can 25J- JI46 p.m DRIVERS Household goods moving experience reauired.

Musi be abte to pass DO.T. Year round hauling, oood contract. Cat. for appt. Mon-Fri 9-4.

Bee Line Moving Storage inc 223-1113 Agent of Allied Van Lines. DRIVING INSTRUCTOR Sears Eesy Method Driving School optv In person Mon. June 2. 10am 2515 W. Centervilie Rd.

across from Dayton Mall. Professional appearance required. EDUCATIONAL SALES Maior educational media producers seeks representative lo sell films, film slrips, audio tapes, etc. To schools in Westers Ohio. Exclusive territory.

Teaching or educational sales experience desireeble Draw against commission on all sales, plus fringe benefits. Excellent opportunity for growth in earnings. Send tutl resume. Box 3749 Dayton Newspapers 45 S. Ludlow, Dayton, O.

45402 An Equal Opportunity Employer MF WarVVVVWVVrWVVsf BODYMAN Muit few obl to finish hit own work. Five day week. Usual bene fill. Super working Coll Harold Yonti at McGraw Chevrolet Troy, Ohio rVWWWWVWWWrtji ENGINEER cVeellent opportunity for lnd'vidi ol with uperience such orm es tooling, ttfmiQting, processing, line boiorxing and mottnol How. Kftowledgt of ttandora ond plant layout helpful.

ISIf EQUIVALENT MEFHRU). Send completf resume fa ft btdirstrl Rtlotiom Monogtri TAIT, INC. 500W it, Doywi.0. 4501 224-9871 O.J.T.-CONTACT LENS TECHNICIAN, S2 an nr to start, located near -Frlgidalre. Call 291-772 tor apol.

An Eoual Opportunity Employer Rfc PREVENTATIVES NEEDED Berry Farm Supoiies need two field representatives to ceil on termers. Aoove average earnings available. To Quality vou must Oe neat clean ane reliable. Some sales experience preferred. No door-lo-door canvassing plenty of leads.

Only persons seemng fuii-tlme employment need ooolv. For Interview, call 16-0705 ask tor Curt Glare, Monday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tun. 9 a.m. to a.m.

FIELD SERVICE ENGINEER Excellent opportunity for neat appearing, qualified individual to service our punch-verifier eouioment in the Cincinnati aree. Applicant must have etectro-mecnanicel ability end Xnowiedge of symbolic logic. Keypunch experience desirable but not mandatory. Excel lent starting pay, group benefits and company cer. Call Mr.

Gidmanet 513-2S3-2 19. TAB PRODUCTS 25S S. $mitbviitt, Davlon, O. An Equal Opportunity Employer FOOD MANAGEMENT Growth company needs dynamic eerwa Good benefits. Call or send resume to MIAMI VALLEY PERSONNEL, 7 E.

Fourm St'eet, Suite Davlon, Onio IHOl A LICENSED EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. FC BOOKKEEPER Immediate opening for experienced boohheeper. Thru friel balance Salary tt-IMO. Per Free. North crown SERVICES, 1000 3rd Nal'l Bldg.

223- WO. Lie. agy. FULL or Part time with Sarah Coven try, kit turmsned. GENERAL OFFICE CierH.

Accurate wilfi figures, typing end some boo-keeolne experience necessary. By anpt. only. Morgan Linen Service, Inc. 223-5241.

GENERAL OFFICE Good ohone voice Pleasant personal- Ity. Accurate, light typing. 100 120WK. CROWN SERVICES, 1000 3rd Nal'l Bldg. 223-1010.

A Lie. Empl Agcy. GENERAL OFFICE UNEMPLOYED INC. Jobs Free To Our Members. ZTI-OSS OIRL FRIDAY; Pert lime, CALL 190-0805 "GIRL FRIDAY" Young growing company seeks exoerf- enced full charge bookkeeper with added secretarial and customer relations abilities.

Excellent personal growth opportunity. Office In Center-vine area. 435-111. Classified Call 223-1515 Technical Personnel Mid-summer 1975 openings anticipoted at various stateside and overseas locations for photographic technical personnel experienced in: Baker-Nunn System Send resume with salary history to: Field Engineering Corporation Dept. V)7, Boler Nunn 9250 Route 108, Columbia, Md.

21045 An equal opportunity employer, mf HELICOPTER PILOT Dayton based corp. seeking full time pilot for fcnstrom Helicopter. Minimum 1000 hrs. Rotocreft experi ence reauired. Attractive salary end benefits.

For personnel interview can Tom Oanli 221-1225, Oanil Mdus- rnss lorp. HOSTESS ONLY, Attractive, ertlcu-lele. No sales Involved, (Bird Dog). For New Home builder. Evening hours, I devs week Set 4 Sun.

afternoons. Drawing account Must have own transportation. Send letter I resume te Hignridge Builders, 50 Hvjh-rldge Ct. Franklin, 4i0ii5 HOSTESS UNEMPLOYED INC. Jobs Free To Our Members.

HOUSEKEEPER- COMPANION for elderly ledv. Musi live in. S300 mo. References. Write: Box 415 Davton Newspapers Inc 4th Ludlow, Davton, O.

45402 HOUSEKEEPER, live-in, more for home then wages, care for elderly men, Huffman Hill aree. HOUSEKEEPER Sitter, good with children, mature, live-in. 775-431 HOUSE PAINTER, experienced end neat. Call 2M-03I9. HOUSEPARENT Agency desires mature, stable married couples (with no dependents) or single person to live in with 1 supervise up to 9 troubled bovs, ages 13-17- residential treatment center.

Minimum salary of 15000 per person, plus room, partial board excellent fringe benefits. Only sensitive, highly-molivaied persons need eooly. Call Mr. Schneider, 1-163-02172. IMMEDIATELY $4.32 TO START We need IS full and I part time people te work in the ares of Driver, Delivery, Sales, end Advertising.

No experience necessary. Training provided free. Cell Personnel, Mr. Kline or Mist Williams, between 9 a p.m. 291-2747 I ENTERPRISES INDUSTRIAL SALES MIDWEST CHEMICAL 434-0911 INEXPERIENCED WE TRAIN Saiary Bonus Car and knowledge ot general erea.

Minminum ege 25. $15,000 earnings possible. Call Health Glow Products 234-0IJI, 234-7050 for eppointmenl. INSULATION compeny needs an experienced men tor permanent work. 294-1 in.

INSURANCE SecretarySolicitor. Full time. Musi be aggressive, mature, preferebly over 35. Casualty insurance experience helpful but nol required. Salary plus bonus.

Box 1115 Dayton Newspapers the 4ih Ludtow, Dayton, O. 4402 INVENTORY Auditors part lime. Weekend work, high school graduates. Prefer experience. Send resume to O.

Box M2, Deyton, Ohio 4540L JANITORJaniiress-eiperienced, ewn car, Apply 3012 E. 3rd. 293-2990 Call Direct 223-1515 soles SHARE IN THE EDUCATION BOOM A CwnipiiideiMe SMriivliwi Of the wWl ePeMiWfJJ sVAeat WtMfkftnfer hVsS it iftttsMtin jj ntJ rwswtiin. CH font 94 teMtsSara far- Htittej arV the) pfa9jfsBt1sr tHt ejjr i GeVMfJJflfffejl TFetfflhs sJsJFssWei1 Vaw wii pa4 mn ttj kW Cm Mr. I likAwWftj Man.

tSFt TweM. Or Wnte) ro laiaaSM CHtnmn, OHa 45244 FEE PAID Cerporote Attorney S20-25K Internal Auditors S15-25K Auditor (CPA background) $16-2IK Asst. to Treasurer S14-18K E0P Auditor SI7-20K Systems Analyst S16-18K Manual Systems S14-16K Programmer (1 year) $1 1-13K Contracts Manager (7 yrs. exp) S20-24K Electronic Eng (instrumentation) $1 6-22K Industrial Eng (S yrs. exp) S15-20K Estimator (metals) S17-18K Chemical Eng S15-18K Projects Eng (M.E.) Quality Control Eng S12-I5K Design Draftsman (5 yrs.

exp) S12-13K Chemist (organic) $10-1 IK For Interview coll MIAMI VAUEY PERSONNEL 523-0724, or tend resume to Suite 912, 7 E. 4th Dayton, Ohio 45402 A licensed tmpioymtnt Agency CommunKations Systems Programmer with hands on assent- bly language eperience-pf eferobly en the POP I I.BS Degree in Computer Sciences (or equivalent). Minimum 3 yeare ex- perience en large computer systems and background en small (mini) computer operations. Must be familiar with mini com- puter front end systems end programming technique, used to support teller communications. HARDWARE and micro processor experience is desirable.

Must be able to develop software modules to complement existing library. Position offers opportunity to see protect through-from system design to customer installation. Limited travel may be required. Send resume to: GO GO GIRLS, le needed. Gelshi House (under new management) 22a 95W GOT A JOB BUT WANT MORE EXCITEMENT7 Fast, sherp, all-around office person.

Super typist. Mature in exoerience but young at heart. We prepare interesting advertising for British Airwavs, Kellev Girl, 3M, MaslerCherge, others vou know. We work hard but think it's tun. Ten me oboul yourself, typing speed.

special-skills and how good; what you like pest, wor history, why you think our fob for you. Make il complete. Write Pam, Yeck Yeck Brothers Group, P.O. Box 225, Peyton, O. 4S401, GREET NEW RESIDENT PART TIME Interesline work met vou can normally schedule at vour convenience, wel come new residents close lo your home with helpful community informe lion end valuable gift certrlicaies from weft known merchants.

Positions avail able in Brookviile, Clayton, 45415,45322 f-orest Ridge, west carronton. To arrange fnt -view please ceil Mrs. Hay et 291-II between tarn 12- noon. Greater Qeyton Welcoming Service GRILL COOK Wanted, experienced only, days. Apply In person Shamrock Inn, 3321 Dayton xema Rd.

GUARDS DAYTON-MIAMISBURS Applications now being taken tor per time Security Guards. Will train, uni forms furnished. Aoolv to: PINKER TON INC. 333 W. First Room Set mon.

thru a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 noon An Equal Opportunity Employer GUARDS Must Be 21- Apply in person, K. Pfauhl Detective Bureau 3rd Neiionel Bide.

Room 341 32 N. Mam St, GUARDS Now Wring full and part time. Must be 21, no arrest records and heve trans portation. Application! accepted for immediate am. to i em.

Mon-Fri, Dell Security, 2527 N. Main it HEAD PBX OPR. Dynamic Leader with experience needed to Supervise 7 position board. Excellent starting company paid hanafll Snnlw Mivwm DmimuI 3155 El-Bee ELDER BEERMAN STORES HOSTESSES Apply in person only otter Spm. THE GODFATHER 24 W.

MONUMENT AVE. HOSTESSES, neat, pleasant, attractive, responsible. Apply in person La Comedie Oinner Theater, Rt. 73 Sprlngboro. No ceils please.

Technician IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Stateside Overseas For TECHNICIANS OuaMied In troublerrioot-ing ond checkout el the APQ-120 tire control system in the F-4 aircraft. Excellent benefits program, including travel pay, per diem, insurance, paid vocations, etc. Call Ray Grovet TOLL FREE 1.800-654-3869 Weekdays, 8 to 5 I Div. of Federal Sign Signal Chicago, Illinois 60632 (ear tsea ssex snr (nlHwaatt1 i. MOSLER TELLER-MATIC Systems Division An American Standard Co.

Rout 50, Milford, Oh 45150 An Equal Opportunrfy Employer Territorv 13 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES K.EVPUNCHEH tor regional govern ment agency to work on TAB Puncm Verifier. Position will also assist Engi hearing end Planning staff in Techni cian capacity, warn aptitude neiotut. yr. experience reauired. Salary S590C-I SS0I plus benefits.

Send resume to) S'ecey Skaggs, Transportation Coordinating Committee, Suite 500, 333 W. First KEYPUNCH Our Increased business necessltetes the addition of 1 experienced input ooerator. Must hove a minimun ft mos. experience preferably on IBM 544 Data Recorder, run renge of Benefits including protit sharino. Aootv in per son: Paramount Inft Coin Corp.

400 Union Rd, kngiewood, onto An Equal Opportunity Employer KEYPUNCH We heve severe! openings available! le experienced operetors with fast and accurate numeric and alpha punching ability. We offer downtown employment medical end life insurance, credit union, and merchandise discount program. Vour confidential call er visit Is welcome to: Personnel Office E.F. MACDONALD CO 113 South Ludlow St. Dayton, Ohio 46402 Phone: 226.5333 ItcAn Equal Opportunity Employer LADY Needed to care lor invalid woman.

Live-In, small wages. 254-11334. LEGAL SECRETARY for Downtown corporate Lew Firm. Good typing and shorthand skills. Salary commensurate1 with experience.

Send resume to: Box US' Deyton Newspepers, Inc. 45 s. Ludlow, Dayton, Ohio 4540? LEGAL Secretary with bookkeeping experience. Ability to use phones etec- tive'y, Busy office. 222-1313, LEGAL SECY SPEED TYPIST KEYPUNCH OPRS Lent end short terns essignments for people with food experience.

Apply immediately. MANPOWER TEMPORARY SfRVICES II S. Wilkinson SI. LIFE GUARD and pool attendant Summer lob. Must be over 20 yrs eld Apply at 4104 Kings Highway.

Life Insurance Agent UNEMPLOYED INC. Jobs Free To Our Members, 271-043 LIGHT COOK UNEMPLOYED INC. Jobs Free To Our Members. 271-063 LIVE-IN-MAID UNEMPLOYED INC. Jobs Free To Our Members.

271-043 COST ESTIMATOR The irtodulof divnion the iWtton' leading home manic facturer need i an EX ENCfcO Coit Estimator. The HKceisM candidate will per (arm fte-offi, estimate fraterial, labor and ether cost and ectablisH telling price of linglo aneLitniHt-family bvildtng. htaVwidual should have a mitntfnum of 1 14 fa 2 years direct eitmot ing eitpertence and be pre pared for rapid ctdvancernent into ttfoefYHory potition. Send mumi and utory hiito ry tot 3769 Dayton New papers 45 5. sWdW, tiyton, O.

45402. 'Ml IS EQUIPMENT LEASING SALES Need experienced equipment leasing person (2 yrs.) to service our physician and dental vender referrals In addition lo retaining hit pressenl Industrial venders. Must live Davton erea and cover ISO mile radius. Advance againsl commission, expenses, etc. Send resume and earnings history in confi dence to: Box 175 Dayton, News papers 45 S.

Ludlow, Dayton, O. EXECUTIVE SALES AGE NO LIMIT Call en business market. Na travel Repeat business. Excellent income opportunity. Reply Parson-Bishop P.O.

pox JvH4, Cincinnati, o. mm EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Immediate opening for mature individ ual with experience. A variety of tasks to eliminate boredom. A growing concern with good fringe benefits. Send resume salary requirements to; Box 3S69 Davton Newspapers.

Inc. 45 S. Luoio St. Oav'on, 4 MO I An equal opportunity employer EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Experienced professional, outstanding shorthand and typing skills required. Please send resume with salary, refer ences and employment history to Terry Heutter Donald L.

Huber Core. 4020 Lake Vmaoe Center Trolwood, Ohio 4S42a Equal Opportunity Employer Experienced auto title clerk. Pari lime or fuH time. Fringe Benefits. Send resume lo Box 2619, Davton Newt- papers, 4th and Ludlow Day ton, Ohio 45401.

(experienced build-up roof- 'fR, Call 233-6390 EXPERIENCED Draftsman wanted tor archilectual precast concrete mfr. Should be able to prepare shop draw ings from archilectual drawings. Over time required. Good pay Good benefits. Reply to box 1807 Dayton Newspapers, Inc.

45 S. Ludlow, Doylon, Oh 45402 An Eoual Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED mechanic Aoply In person, Volkswagen of Springfield. 2220 S. Yellow Sprlnos, Springfield, Oh. EXPERIENCED, Salesperson, willing to work on a straight commission basis, advertising background helpful.

I'll offer the oppurtunity, tf vou are willing to work. Call Mr. Thompkini, Mondays only -5, 271-0657, FOREMEN S9600 Growing company with stability. Call Bare Miiner, z22-ttte. milner ERSONNEL, INC.


SEEOUK AD TODAY IN THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CLASSIFICATION community. Compensation ft, Wayne, tndtata 4681 5 Employer MF! manufacturer's representative Compony or Individual with EloctrkolfyyKhurwcol experience end background to represent foremost and oldest porking gate and security equipment manufacturer. Area open in oil of Ohio with INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Excellent growth opportunity with major division of International Fortune 500 Compony. Must hava minimum of 5 years increasingly responsible IE experience in metal working. Broad machine tool knowledge, including familiarity with NC required.

Experience in assembly of precision machinery on asset. BS or MS in IE or ME desired. Position offerj high visibility in division and opportunity to work across organization. New young progressive management team. Plant located in attractive southern sales Managers We ore expending our sales forte la ddndle increasing business.

This might oppeor conttadiclory In light of the current economic environment, but il proves we oiler a long rewarding career to competent people. We consider our Territory Managers our "Partners" in business ond they enjoy: HIGH EARNINGS with top bm wlo7 plus cotrnissions; PERSONAL GROWTH through conscientious career planning ond promotion from within; ASSURED SUCCESS with continuous training, helpful supervision, sales promotion support ond entensi.e research facilities which provide new products, applications and ideas. These positions requite proven sales ability os indicated by at least 2 years of previous success ond the ability lo relocate within the state of Ohio, Submit resume) wf salary hhlory In George Guiik, B'imh Manager, Itek Graphic Products, 7710 Reading Scad, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237. stT" Ci. r-sVi 13 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Bunneu orienied person in'eresfed in Uin i neea ov national corpora non.

Saiary, benefits plut management ooportuni-ies. no barrier. Eoual opportunity Employer. Call L.N.S. Corp.

293-7852. LOOKING KW ONE EXPERIENCED KNOWLEDGABLE PERSON WHO CAN RECOGNIZE THE UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES IN THE REAL ESTATE PROFESSION. FOR A PRIVATE AND, CONDFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW CALL BILL JOHNSON MS-54M CCKI ATCF'OPERTIf JClNAIt INC433-1K7 LPN'S We ere taking applications for LPN's Experience references must. 293-SsTI MACHINE OPERATORS DEVLIEGJIG MILL CINPIMATIC fyildstate Tool Compeny 4027 Fairbanks Av. MACHINIST-LEADER Able to set up run lathes mills, Also: Cylindrical grinder operators 11- 2772; I-46-2302 MAINTENANCE Must have 5 veari exnerelnce en Iniection molding, machines, good pay, paid vacation, life insurance, hospitalization, sick benefits, 29i-4i, for inierview aopr MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Sales people wanted, previous sales experience not necessary.

We will tram in Sales I Management. 110.000 to 115,000 first year potential Call 236- 7V44 Montgomery Co. Umtax. MANAGER -Trailer Park. Dayton area.

Retired or semi-retired. Must know park operations. 1-647-2510. MANAGER TRAINEE Excel guarantees plus bonus to slart. Notional comoany expanding opere-lions in Davton area.

Benefits, SI5.000 first veer potenliel. 293-3 19 MATURE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK, must be experienced, caU lor apel. 1.30-4 30: at 233-1650. MECHANIC devtlme, experience, must have own tools, salary epply- Shell, 600 Spinning Rd after 10 am MECHANIC le memtain automatic sewino eouioment. Must have working knowledge of electricity, air cvciir-ders, relays and switches.

Outstanding weges tor the right person. An equal opportunity employer. Apply el: ST MARYS COTTON MILLS 100 i. High Street St Marys, Ohio (419) 394.2361 MEDICAL RECORDS TRANSCRIPTIONIST Immediate full time day opening for Medical Records Transcrlotionist. Typ ing a minimum of 70 worn.

Must have a knowledge of medical termonology wilh a minimum of 2 yrs. experience in medical records transcription. Excellent employee benefits and salary program, Aooly Personnel Office, Ft. Hemitton-Hughes Memorial Hospital Center, 1001 Cereal Hamilton, O. 45U1J MESSENGER needed for light deliv ery.

Must heve economy car. Apply In person only between 2 1, 4. 4636 Salem Ave. MGR TRAINEE S175 wk. rapidly Expanding i Call Doris Wells 724-1941 SNELLING Lie.

Emp. Agcy NATIONAL COMPANY looking for an ambitious salesman established territory in weslern Ohio. Experienced selling plumbing or Industrial garden or automotive hoses. Draw egamst com mission. Inierview deles at Holiday Inns Ask for Han Isard from 5 PM lo II P.M.

Mon. June 2. Cimt 2235 Sharon Sheronviiie, O. 513-771-0700. Tues.

June 1 Davlon. US. 35 N. I. 76 THVegoner-Ford Rd.

Exil 57 513-271- 4171. Wed June 4 Columbus. 4601 West Broad US 41, S14-I7I-530I It vou miss interview send resume to Hanco*ck-Gross, 401 N. 21st Phila dciphia, Pa. 19130 Attn: Hank Isard.

NEED A JOB We ere offering excellent opportunity to torn la en expansion program of a reliable old established compeny. Start work immediately. No experience necessary. We train, SI50 weekly Incentive to ttert. Very good opportunity to edvance into management in to devs.

Call Kirby, 223-4903 for Inter view. Established local printing concern hat immediate openings for the following SUES REPRESENTATIVE To call on rww end itoblished accounts, Sales exptrittne helpful, but not necessary. PRODUCTION DEPT. ASSISTANT To assist in production and proof reading. Typing ond spelling is required.

COMBINATION CAMERA AND STRIPPER Must have experience in camera, stripping, and plate making. Send resume for inter view te: IOX 385 DAYTON NEWSPAPERS, INC. 4JTH IU01OW STS. DAYTON, OHIO 4S401 -Li SEIII0R COMPUTER OPERATOR largest Century 300 Savings and loan On-line System in country, operating under 14. Career opportunity for individual with at least two years Century operating experience.

Coll 30377-6529 or submit resume, Christine H. Kurtt fint ffdero! Sovinoi of Mioml I Sf Owd Avewie Mrniy. fkvido 33131 possible expansion. WRITE: JOHN I. MAF.CUSSEM, Sales Maeaqer.

WESTERN-CULLEN 2700 W. 36th Ploce not suv ts sum tsac seer cex New England coastal should appeal to candidates now earning in mid to mm VJlUpillLe Products high teenj. Excellent benefits. Submit resume in confidence toi BOX 3999 Dayton Newspapers 45 S. ludlow St.

Dayton, Ohio 45202 Are? you a SALESMAN If so, or if you believe) you hove tales potential, wo want to talk to you. Successful National Water Conditioning business firm it seeking talespersont to add to our local team. We offer: COMPLETE TRAINING PROGRAM BETTER THAN AVERAGE COMMISSION NO OVERNITE TRAVEL We understand the value of outstanding talent, please call 426-8084 Monday or Tuesday be tween 9 and 5 p.m. for confidential interview. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER d.

OOKKEEPER; Smal manufacturer in N. Dayton needs cttoreo bookkeeper. Must be able te type end have transportation. Send salary rewire-merits and resume te Bex 32 Deytee Newspapers S. Ludknf Peyton, Oh.

4S402. O.R. ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR Excellent opportunity for en RM wit R. experience, prefer an Individual with heed nurse background. Responsibilities Include orientation and training or Operation Room Personnel.

Salary commensurate with experience plus excellent employee benefits. Apply; Personnel Office GRANDVIEW HOSPITAL SHAW FOREST AV. An Eouel Opportunity Employer OWN vour own Advertising Specialty Business, no investment. Bonus, fringe benefits. High annual earnings.

Leshore Calglft, 2621 Parchmounl, Kalamazoo, Mich. 4004. Write lor literansr. Est. 1922 Part Time Opportunity Established nation wide sales finance compeny has part time posilknt open In verried deeier and customer rente ct work.

After noon end evening hours. Cell Mr. Randy Slciliano 291-30. far interview. E.

CREDIT CORP. An Equal Opportunity Employer PHONE SOLICITORS, (Gospel Ticket Sales). CALL 859-3071 PHONE SOLICITORS; Experienced ad salesman wanted tor various Publications, full or part tiarte, commission work. 294-ltM betweee 10 4 12 and 1 8.4 PHOTO NEGATIVE RETOUCHER Ouaiity work, color negatives, tnoufre Osborne Studios. 101 N.

Verily Pkwy. 1-424-1M1, Middletown PLANT REIGERATIOM AND MAINTENANCE This position requires person whe would perform wide range ot operations es necessary to reoeir and maintain variety of commercial production refrigeration eouioment In large dairy end frozen foods Plant. Must have broad experience in the diagnosis and repair of complex ammonia refrigeration systems es well as air conditioning and water treatment. Duties will also involve general maintenance and repair work on equipment requiring mechanical end electrical Skills. We offer above average fringe benefits and iob security.

This growth posliioe could lead to advanced responsibilities for person with leadership dualities and ambition. Reply bv resume only, fitcludini sslirv history lo: Personnel Msneger FRIENDLY ICE CREAM CORP. PO. Box 4 is Trov, Ohio 45373 All eopllcents receive eoual cemUre lion regardless et age, test, race, res gion or national orgin. PLUMBER, iourneyman or matter, part time, retiree preferred M5-4343 PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS Immediete opening tn Eastern Ohio must neve working knowledge of complete studio operation.

Ceil: 2176 or 0635. PRESSER, experienced, to help during vocations Aooly Capitol Dry Clean-ors, 219 Woodman Dr. Mrs. M'ckey. PROFESSIONAL SALES POSITION Available wilh Dynamics ef Oavfse Distributors for SMI (Success Motivation Institute).

Position offers exlraor-dinery Income potential, personal Pet-dom, the ooportunity to note others become more successful. Vou owe a) te yourself te Investigate this opportunity. You can make things happen by calling Mr. Wolfe, 221-0317 Oo It Nowl AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY PROGRAMMER Assembly language for POPS 4 POPtt using DEC'S OS-I and RSX-ll moni tors. Min.

2 yrs. experience. Stan sis-II 000 plus benefits. Reply le PO lei 1223, Dayton, Ohio 45401 REAL ESTATE CAREER Drop by and visit with our sales people at the real estate office lisied below which is nearest to vour home. II vou ere Interested in a real estete career laikto the manager to explore the ex citement of selling real esa'e end the personal fulfillment ot being your owe boss.

An equal opportunity company FAIRBORN GALLERY 121 N. Broad SI. 179-4550 KETTERING-EA5T GALLERY1 4720 Wilmington Pike 434-7111 BEAVERCREEK GALLPRY 1352 Fairfield Rd. 426-IS42 NORTH GALLERY lit E. National Rd.

191-eSeJ SOUTH GALLERY 3130 Far Hills Ave. 291-7471 SOUTHWEST GALLERY SO Lawrsnca Ave. IM-S90I DAYTON-EA5T GALLERY 4214 Linden Ave. 253-3111 CENTERVILL6 GALIFRY 261 n. wain St.

4JJ-OS50 ROTH 291-7276 Gollery cf Homm REALTORS REAL ESTATE New Home salesmen needed. Roudebush Rlty 291-7211 REAL ESTATE Sales, Pert lime. Good hourly rales plus commission. Cell 137-2691. REAL ESTATE SALES FULL OR PART TIME, Will Trsle CHUCK BREISCH 21-4300 Realty 426-6271 REAL ESTATE SALES LICENSED OR UNLICENSED HIGHEST COMMISSIONS! Excellent working conditions.

We pay ell transfer tees. For contidenllel Interview call end ask for Mike Pelkus. 233-2324. MIKE PETKUS ASSOC. 190-0708 RECEPTIONIST Front Desk Personality Verled Dulles, Call 224-1961 SNELLING 3 E.

2nd. A Lie. Emp. Agcy. RECEPTIONIST-Opllcal-eoe 35-40.

new bldg. 9-S, Wed-Sal Write aifiretlons Box 4129 Davton News papers 45 Ludlow, Peyton RECEPTIONI6T-TYPIST For engineering firm In Ketlerl must be responsible end type IS worn accurately. Lets of thing end misc. call 294-2422 for appt. REGISTERED NURSES Fun time opening available tor experienced nurses.

Primerlly day assignment with 3-11 shlll scheduled every 5ih week. On cell 1 day every 4th weekend. Openings also eveliabk tor experienced Medical Surglral Nurses tor primarily to snitt. progressive community hospital. 29 minutes freeway drive from South Davlon.

Salary Includes additional cost ot living payment, lull non-coniribulore benefit program, Including sick and accident insurance, life Insurance, pen sion pien, hospitalization end maior merllcel Insurance, paid vacation and I paid holidays. Write or Cell: Liirecior of Personnel Mlddleinwn Hosoiiei Association IDS Mcknight Drive Mlflrlielown, Ohio 45042 et. 311 RESIDENT MANAGf.R-I.OK) unit New Jersey eot. complex 500 unit garden-lvne experience. Administrative and maintenenre skills.

High Income, unusual opportunity, Wilson Manegemeni Bo 727, Tnetiy J. 060. An fcuo Opporfmfy (mph 1 1 WE DEAL IN No Contracts to At topid growing tnanufocturert eJ industrial welding components ond accessories needs creative engineer to support the expansion of new and existing product lines. Qualified condidate must be on mnevottve, self starter with 3 te 5 years experience in design er development, ME er EE degree preferred. Excellent opportunity for growth, advancement end recognition in new plant wilh midwestern location.

Please submit detailed resume ond salary history in complete confidence tei BOX 3979 Dayton Newspapers, Inc. 45 S. Ludlow Dayton, Ohio 45402 An Eatiel Opportunity employer Companies Assume All Fee Responsibility. jTECHNICALl SEWING MACHINE SALES DEMONSTRATOR Individuals needed for our new Sewing Machine i Jt Soles Department. Ground floor opportunity.

Will train qualified applicant with Sales aptitude and i sewing skills. 1 1 Confidential interview wilh Mr. Kesling will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Applyi I Personnel Olitce, 3 155 El-Bee Rd, Moraine, O.

jj tWe jj INDUSTRIALINSTITUTIONAL Our Commercial Division is expanding at an accelerated pace-soles have doubled in the past three years. To continue this expanding growth pattern, we are seekign a highly motivated and industrious salesperson for the Dayton Area. The estalishment of new accounts end continued development of present customers olfer challenge to the innovative individual seeking an exceptional opportunity to increase earnings and realize the ambition of lelf developmenf. Advancement to management is achievoble to those who merit it by demonstrating their marketing leadership. Initial compensation is guaranteed salary plus an attractive commission plan.

Comprehensive fringe benefit program is provided. Interested parties may contact Jot Chomness at 513-836 8671 Monday through Wednesday, June 2-4, between the hours of 8:00 a m. ond noon. If unable to call. SALESVEHICLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES A CAREER CFPGRTUM1TY WHERE YOUR EFFORT resumes may be tent to; MATERIAL SYS TEMS ANALYST $1 1 7,500 BSIM est I.I.

2 yn. mm. penance. Develop eystama lying engineering sales, materials and production. I.E.

MANAGER B.S.I.I., metal lob plug, eupervision; aggresnvo; strong image compony. PHARMACEUTICAL 13,000 ear and bonus. College degree, hospital lab or similar bfcgd. Call en doctors and hospitals and wholesalers representing a line of antibiotics and cancer medications. RETAIL STORE MANAGER SI5.000-SI8.000 management large nation- .1 ham fcKOted Dayton i PE1" fumty with bonus In addi- tien to base salary.

IS YOUR INCOME A local territory with limited travel it available representing the boding line in the industry tor the leading commission rate in a protected territory with protected accounts. We value sales professionals highly, ond our continuous fronting proqrom will train you for substantial first year income. JOIN OUR GROWTH ORIENTED company, AAAA I rated NYSE lilted, over SIM million in sales. If you have successfully sold in a territory this could be the career opportunity you have been looking for PHONE US REGARDING A PERSONAL INTERVIEW Jim Vaughn Monday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday, 9 p.m.

890-9500 PREMIER INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION XSALGON JUNIOR COPYWRITER BUBSIOIAfir OF 8520 Ouincy ev An Eqi 8520 Ouincy Court Equal Opportunity Employer MF FUTURES Sign. Our Client QUALITY CONTROL SOCIALIST SI5.000-SI7.000 BSME or Metallurgy, eiperi- ente in non-ferrous cast ingi; -ray and precision in- epection. jj'jf if I PLANT ENGINEER 1 9,000 BSME or EE, facilities, generolist; experience in power generation. FACTORY REP $11,200 large Internationol sell industrial product line thru distributor organisations, set up new distributors, require 2 yrs. outside sales tangible products.

Sal ary, comm. and bonus. MGR. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS S20.000-S25.000 ()o(i(n organisation image publir relations. Degree a must.

PROGRAMMER ANALYST 3 yrs. mfg. digital POP II design formats lor disk file program and flow charting INTERNAL AUDITOR SI 1 5,000 3 yrt. ixprinct in actount-in a. orff audit mfa.

pnne. Trovl 60. 0gr rquird. To meet the challenge ef eur expanding operations we ere creating the position of Junior Copywriter. This Is your opportunity to sit en the staff ef writers el one ef Oaytens' fastest growing companies.

A degree in Journalism and light experience ft desired. you hove Hair for creative copy we would like to consider your qualifications. Send sever letter, resume stating salary history tot Autoware Division We are An Equal Opportunity Employer, Wl5e1sTBr SALES PERSONNEL MANAGER PARAMOUNT INT I COIN CORP 600 UNION RO ENGIEWOOD, OHIO 4532 NO AGENCY REFERRALS An Equal Opportunity Employer administrative con pc piif a "pnr1 SALES STOP ENVYING PEOPLE WHO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY Get on the Right Trock Yourself and Moke up fee $12,000 $15,000 $20,000 and more your first full year with us. (Bated on typical earnings of our people, by actual records.) Advancement potential Up to $25,000 $50,000 and more. FACTS) We ore one of the most tuccetsful companies in our bg industry TOP RATtD We tall what people need, buy, wont and thank us for selling.

A dignified petition we give you valuable training In Chicago expenses paid then $800 a month guaranteed income to start. CAN YOU QUALIFY? (I) Aggreiiive (2) Competitive (3) Good reltrences (4) Really wont to make money, not jur) lolk or dream about it? You con lind out about "The most remarkable soles career si the whole -world" by calling RICHARD HUTCHINSON COMBINED GROUP OF COMPANIES DAYS: DATES: June 2, 3,4 TIMS: A -7 M. Lena Distance Call Collect SENIOR ANALYST 3 yn. tnfg. experience IBM 360370 and new systems, design billing systems.

De gree required. ANALYST PROGRAMMER 4 yrs. min. enperience IBM 360370 DOS, must also have JCl-PL 1. Will assist in moving data base to Dayton.

ivcrivcjCHiMllVC lecding manufacturer of hard-focing and stainless steel welding products has immediate opening for technically qualified, experienced sales person to become (heir Soles Representative in the Cincinnati orea. To responsible for sales to wide range of major Industries ond distributors. We are on established firm wilh over 50 years of manufacturing high quality products. Through normal growth this position became available ond will olfer career potential for stable, high caliber salesperson with a proven sales record in our industry or one closely allied. Top salary plus bonus, profit sharing, car allowance ond other exceptional benefits offered.

Send complete resume which will be held in strict confidence, to D. W. Cosgray, Manager Industrial Relations. SALES REPRESENTATIVE NATIONALLY KNOWN APPRAISAL CO. SEEKS MATURE MAN FOR REPRESENTATION IN OHIO In tangible soles, fire insurance experience as special or state agent preferred.

Compensation based on salary and commission. Plus fringe benelits. CALL MR. GABLE 224-9911 MONDAY 1-5; TUES. AND WED.

9-5 Management li An Equal Opportunity I JJU I VVtSe P.O. Box 4901 Whittier, Calif. 90607 tv An equal opportunity employer jf tfecrurcrs 1240 Fourth Street. Suite 1737 223-8271 A lirnri'eH iiilyrnnl nyiir.y. nf.

Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.