What’s new, different on Bloomington campus? (2024)

What’s new, different on Bloomington campus? (1)Sample Gates at IU Bloomington. Photo by Chris Meyer, Indiana University

As faculty, staff and students get reacquainted with the Indiana University Bloomington campus this fall, there are some changes to take note of. Here is a look at some of them:

Parking reminders

Multiyear parking permits expired June 30. When you order a new permit, a temporary permit will be available to print and use immediately.

Spaces in parking lots 402 and 404 near Indiana Avenue, between Kirkwood Avenue and Seventh Street, will be partially closed for an extended period; some EMS parking will be available. The Poplars Garage will be open. Consider carpooling with colleagues or joining the Hoosier Commuter Club as alternatives.

Parking enforcement in the athletic lots will begin Aug. 30 to accommodate the football game.

Also, don’t forget that license plate recognition, a virtual system that uses vehicle license plates as parking permits, will continue. Make sure to park with your vehicle’s license plate facing the driving lane. Otherwise, a state-issued front license plate or an IU-issued license plate recognition plate is required.

IU Document Services now IU Printing Services

IU Printing Services helps get messages out to students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, visitors and Hoosier Nation, printing university business cards, stationary, booklets, a variety of signage and more.

The team will work with you to ensure your order is printed and delivered when and where you need it. Order from its online storefront or contact Printing Services for planning, ordering help or production advice for your next project.

Vegan menu at Vault Pub

The Vault Pub inside the Indiana Memorial Union has a new vegan menu and is offering seasonal mocktails. Vegan options include a seasonal grain bowl, a southwest tofu wrap and an Impossible meatball sandwich.

The Vault Pub also is part of Bloomington’s Vegan Chef Challenge.

New faculty council president

The Bloomington Faculty Council’s leadership changes each year on July 1. Danielle DeSawal, a clinical professor in the School of Education, is the new council president.

Colin Johnson, who teaches in the Department of Gender Studies and Department of American Studies, has moved into the position of past president. Johnson will chair the Long-Range Planning Committee, which will focus on general education this school year.

Bill Ramos, associate professor in the School of Public Health-Bloomington, has stepped into the role of president-elect. He will become president of the faculty council in July 2025.

Staff council leadership changes

Every July the Bloomington Staff Council holds executive board member elections. The 2024-25 members are:

The staff council has standing and ad-hoc committees that support various aspects of staff-related life. It is composed of 21 elected representatives for employees coded as appointed staff. The council has ex-officio members from the Bloomington Faculty Council, IU Bloomington Academic Advising Council, Human Resources and other representative bodies. It amplifies the voices of staff and offers employee perks, events and professional development grants.

Library renovations

Several areas of the Herman B Wells Library will undergo renovation this year. As the fall semester begins, the Reference Reading Room in the Scholars’ Commons will be closed for refurbishing. Students can reserve one of the dozens of study rooms available at Wells or use the drop-in study areas on the second floor of the East and West Towers.

Opening this fall at Wells Library are updated restrooms in the main lobby, including all-gender options.

The Friday Finish is back at Wells Library. Each week over 600 slices of free pizza are served to students who make studying a priority before the weekend. Incentives include doughnuts and prize drawings offered from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Friday from Sept. 6 through Thanksgiving break.

New office location

The Office for Sexual Violence Prevention and Victim Advocacy has moved to 506 N. Fess Ave.

The office will continue providing support to students who are impacted by sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, relationship violence, stalking or other threats to personal safety.

Wellness resources in one place

IU has a new home for multiple wellness resources, which includes new locations for the following departments: Substance Use Intervention Services, Collegiate Recovery Community and Student Wellness.

These resources can be found at 625 N. Eagleson Ave., across from the Student Health Center.

Rec Sports building improvements

Several new projects are being completed at the Student Recreational Sports Center. They include a complete overhaul of the main strength gym, including new flooring and equipment; two new strength studios; a dedicated wellness studio; all-gender restrooms and changing spaces; digital signage; and painting and rebranding intended to instill more school spirit throughout the building.

In partnership with Residence Life, a new outdoor space will open later this fall. Near the intersection of 17th Street and Fee Lane, it will include spaces for soccer, basketball, pickleball and outdoor fitness activities along with social gatherings.

Dunn Meadow restoration

As outlined in an Aug. 2 email from Tom Morrison, vice president for Capital Planning and Facilities, work is underway in Dunn Meadow to restore the space for use by the campus community. New sod will be installed and require time to take root. It is expected that restoration work will continue over the coming months.

Catching the bus

To assist in getting to your campus destinations, campus buses can be monitored in real time using IU Mobile. The online schedules of bus arrival and departure times at each stop every day is a new feature. For advance planning, complete schedules for all routes and stops can be found on the Campus Bus Service website.

What’s new, different on Bloomington campus? (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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